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South Grand Lake Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ)

South Grand Lake Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

- Learning in Person -

Sunday worship service

The broadcast begins at 9:50 and the in-person service starts at 10:00 Sunday mornings. Through word and song, service leaders encourage the congregation to apply Christ’s teachings to their everyday actions and relationships.

Women’s discussion group

From 9:00 – 9:45 Sunday mornings, women of the church discuss the scripture for the worship service and reflect on how it applies to their own life experiences.

Bible study

From 10:30 – 12:00 Wednesdays, participants work to understand Biblical concepts in greater depth and from a variety of perspectives. Recently, for example, a series of 8 meetings was devoted to watching and discussing Season One of “The Chosen” (see below).

Field trips

Group visits to significant sites, such as Greenwood Rising and the First Americans Museum, serve both to enlighten and strengthen bonds among participants.

Pastoral care

The pastors are available to offer care and support for those contemplating baptism and/or church membership, preparing for marriage or the renewal of vows, dealing with grief and loss, or meeting other significant life challenges.

- Learning Through Independent Study -

The Kings Bible

This site provides the full King James Bible and offers some great features: enter a word and the dictionary gives a definition while the concordance reports everywhere in the Bible the word appears; enter a place and the atlas shows its location on a map. There also are multiple commentaries.

Bible Gateway

Bible Gateway is a searchable online Bible in more than 200 versions and 70 languages that you can freely read, research, and reference anywhere. With a library of audio Bibles, a mobile app, devotionals, email newsletters, and other free resources, Bible Gateway equips you not only to read the Bible, but to understand it.

“The Chosen”

An acclaimed television series about the life of Christ. The show’s creator, Dallas Jenkins (son of Left Behind co-author Jerry Jenkins), has a degree in Biblical Studies. In creating the show, he put together a panel of expert consultants to ensure Biblical and historical accuracy in the script. Members of the panel included a Messianic Jewish rabbi, a Catholic priest, and an evangelical professor of Biblical studies.

Yale Bible Study

The mission of the Yale Bible Study is to engage clergy and lay audiences in small group Bible study by providing studies of biblical books, deepened by insights from Yale Divinity School professors. These materials form an accessible, free, and deeply thoughtful and informed group Bible study program.

World Video Bible School

Since 1986 the WVBS has offered a library of free video resources dealing with a wide variety of topics. “We are committed to producing and distributing excellent quality, scripturally sound, inexpensively priced Bible study materials through video, audio and the written page.” Much of the content is available at no cost, and videos discuss a wide variety of topics such as church history over the centuries, whether miracles happen, or the design of the cosmos. There also are videos specifically designed for different age groups and various church roles.

- Learning What’s Happening at SGLCC (DOC) -

“The Illuminator” Newsletter

Jan - Feb 2025

Nov-Dec 2024

Aug - Sep 2024

Summer 2024

Mar-Apr 2024

Jan-Feb 2024

November 2023

Sep-Oct 2023

Jul-Aug 2023

May-Jun 2023

Mar-Apr 2023

Jan-Feb 2023

- Learning Resources for Kids -

This site offers free Christian Education resources for kids, such as teaching packs, cutouts and coloring sheets and cards that can be downloaded and used as activities that are fun as well as educational.

- Learning About the Disciples of Christ -

A Movement for Wholeness

This excellent video describes Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) beliefs that undergird the “come as you are” philosophy SGLCC (DOC) strives to live by.

The Design

Beliefs and philosophies that serve as a foundation for the structure, governance and rules of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) are described in this excellent web site.

The Disciples in Oklahoma

Regional news and updates about congregations and clergy are provided by this site, which is managed by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Regional Office of Oklahoma.

Resources for

Christian Education

Resources for Christian Education

His Disciples often called Jesus “Rabbi” – Teacher – and even today the teachings of Jesus guide our efforts to live as true Christians. Because Christian education is the foundation upon which we build our lives, SGLCC (DOC) offers a wide variety of educational resources.

- Readers’ Recommended Resources -

Have you found any educational resources to be particularly helpful and worth sharing with others?  If so, please Contact Us and include the name and author(s) or source of what you are recommending, where someone might be able to find it, and reasons why you feel it may be of interest or help.

Disciples: Who We Are & What Holds Us Together

By Michael Kinnamon & Jan Linn, Chalice Press, 2019. A contemporary look at the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) as it begins its second fifty years as an ethnically and theologically diverse denomination in an increasingly polarized faith and is an essential read for anyone considering joining the denomination. I was particularly impressed with the chapter on Scripture (Chapter 3).

Bob Shell

Recommended by: 

Handbook for Today's Disciples

By D. Duane Cummins, CBP Books, 2017. A concise history of the Disciples movement from its early beginnings with Campbell & Stone to the modern denomination. The back pages have a map of the Regional Structure of the denomination as well as a diagram of the General Ministries and Racial/Ethnic Ministries.

Bob Shell

Recommended by: 

The Story of Christianity: Volume 1: The Early Church to the dawn of the Reformation

By Justo L. González, HarperOne, 2010.A narrative history of Christianity, from the early church to the dawn of the Protestant reformation, that traces core theological issues and developments within the various traditions of the church.

Bob Shell

Recommended by: 

The Story of Christianity: Volume 2: The Reformation to the Present Day

By Justo L. González, HarperOne, 2010. The fully revised and updated second volume of The Story of Christianity tells the narrative history of Christianity, beginning with the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century and leading up to present day.

Bob Shell

Recommended by: 

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